Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot -
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Minggu, 28 Juni 2020

Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot

Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot. Here are three favorite Dutch stamppot recipes to make whenever comfort is what you crave. These potato dishes are made with sauerkraut or greens. Dutch Stamppot is comfort food of the Netherlands.

Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot Dutch Boerenkool Stamppot is probably one of the oldest and most authentic Dutch dishes. Literally translated it means farmers cabbage hodgepodge. Stamppot: Dutch comfort food to a T. You can cook Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot

  1. You need 3 lb of potatoes, peeled cut into even cubes.
  2. Prepare 500 grams of Kale, Savoy Cabbage or Collard Greens or any other darkgreen cabbage, washed and taken of ribs.
  3. You need 1 of large spanish onion, chopped finely.
  4. It's 5 of fresh green spring onions (scallions) chopped use all of the onion except the root end.
  5. You need 2 of bay leaves.
  6. You need 2 tbsp of butter.
  7. Prepare 1/2 cup of milk.
  8. Prepare 1 pinch of each salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.
  9. You need 1 of pork sausage ring or bratwurst (optional).

Our recipe for the perfect stamppot. Cook the rookworst according to the packet instructions and serve with the stamppot. Stamppot (English: Mash pot) is a traditional Dutch dish made from a combination of potatoes mashed with one or several vegetables. These vegetable pairings traditionally include sauerkraut, endive, kale, spinach, turnip greens, or carrot and onion.

Sig's Dutch Stamp Pot instructions

  1. Prepare the potatoes by peeling them and cutting them into small chunks,chop the onions,and the kale.
  2. Put all ingredients except butter and milk into a pot, just cover with water,do keep an eye out that it not burns, boiling should take about 20 -30.minutes depending on potatoes used. Add a little extra boiled water if evaporates to quick..
  3. Add the pork sausage ring,or fry the bratwurst if using.
  4. Boil until potatoes are soft, remove bay leaves..
  5. When done and water has almost evaporated, remove sausage and mash the mixture. Alternatively you can boil the potatoes separately from all the other ingredients. When all the other ingredients are almost soft.puree them roughly to get a finer consistency and then lift under the mashed potatoe.
  6. Add the butter and then the milk bit by bit until consistency you desire is reached.
  7. Slice the sausage,serve with stamppot..
  8. This dish can be made with any vegetable really and is particularly good with sauerkraut..

Make Some Dutch Stamppot Recipes, Quintessential Comfort Food. Here are three favorite Dutch stamppot recipes to make whenever comfort is what you crave. Stamppot (literal translation: 'mash pot') is the Dutch name for mashed potatoes mixed with any mashed vegetable and usually served with bacon bits or smoked sausage and. Dutch cuisine: stamppot from potatoes, sauerkraut and carrots, with sausages Traditional Dutch dish Stamppot with Rookworst. Chef, Jonathan Collins takes his Opa and Oma's Netherlands family recipe of Hutspot and Stamppot and shares it with Cityline.

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